Thursday, January 14, 2010


I was doing an inventory of my Stampin' up stuff to sell, and Laurie was playing in her room... I was done so I came to get her and realized she was on the changing table. I quickly assesed if she had gotten into anything that could hurt her and obviously failed because the next thing I hear is 'schhicht' you know, the sound of scissors cutting something. OH NO!
"Did you just cut your hair?!"
"Yep!" :)
" NO!! Let me see."
I didn't see any place on her head that obviously looked cut, but I did see this:
I know it isn't a lot, but for her who has no hair, it is! Ahhh, Stinker! ;)


nAnnie Laurie said...

hehe! the things kids do to make us moms crazy!! hope it's the last time she does that, but, nooo...probably not

nAnnie Laurie said...

hehe - :-) "did you cute your hair?" "yep" their little-ness honesty is so refreshing somehow

Olivia Heilmann said...

That's hilarious!! Show us a pic!

aubreyannie said...

aah! that makes me so nervous..i have so many friends whose children have cut off their hair..bangs and such. i am just lucky {so far} that my kids have never attempted it. whew!