Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Being involved!

This year, Carlos joined the Republican party of Henrico County. He has a desire to be more involved in politics and would someday like to run for an office. So for this past election he has tried to be invloved in helping the candidates win. We went to rallys, partys, and stood out in front of polling places to pass out flyers and encourage a vote! A photographer from Reuters, was snaping tons of pictures of Elaine at the rally. Then last night we went to the 'victory party' for Senator George Allen, and Congressman Eric Cantor. There was so much press there, I don't know that I expected it to be that way, and we were interviewed by two papers, including the Washington Post! We shook hands with Senetor John Warner. It was neat, however, we are so forgetful in all of our excitment and didn't bring our camera to ONE thing!!! We are going to search the websites and email camramen who took our picture and see if we can get some of them posted on the blog here!
We stayed until 10:30pm last night, and decided to go home. We missed hearing again from Senator Allen. It looks like he won't win but it was neat to be involved, and I am sure we will be involved in the future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

interesting...your's isn't in spanish like Carlos' and AC's...wonder why? Anyway, just wanted to let you know how much I, as the mother of your husband, appreicate you being involed in something that he feels so passionate about. Can't wait to see the pictures, if you can find them!
Thanks, Emily.