Monday, April 02, 2007

Monument 10K!

We ran in the Ukrop's Monument Ave 10K this Sat. We had a good time! The weather was great, we had good company and went at a good pace. It was much better than last years hot tiring run! I finished just about the same as last year. Carlos ran for the second time and did very well! I am a little sore but all in all, it was very rewarding and this time I actually feel like continuing to run, and even doing more races! (the medal around some of our necks is for participating in the YMCA training team)

After race pictured runners are: (in order of group picture)Emily, Carlos, Matt, Mara, Kim, Shelly


Anonymous said...

What an accomplishment for you both! Cheers!!
I do have to say, Emily, that you AND your father-in-law have such mormon tans...we may have to spend a little big more time at the beach while you are here to help that out!! Now that you are in such good shape from running, spending time on the beach, in a bathing suit, shouldn't be too much of a problem! Just make sure you bring some sweat proof sun-block or you'll go back looking like a lobster!! LOL

Anonymous said...

Wow Em and Carlos, great job! That might be something I could start doing, too. Sounds really fun. P.S. You both are looking so great!

aubrey said...

that is AWESOME emily! you inspire me! it sounds like it was a lot of fun. next saturday we're all biking in the Tulip Pedal. it's entirely NON-strenuous, but i'm still proud that we're doing it.

Unknown said...


Mina said...

Aaahh, my beautiful sister and awesome two do so many amazing things! Great job!