Friday, June 22, 2007

News for inquiring minds!

Well if you are keeping up with Ana's blog, you know that they were delivering the babies tonight. Well I have SOME info. I will tell you and if there is more or it turns out I was wrong a bit, I will correct it later. Here is what I know right now.
Abinadi was able to be with her during the delivery. The smaller boy is 1 lb 3 oz and is on a ventilator. The not smaller but still small boy is 3 lbs and is breathing on his own. Ana is as fine as she can be physically I hear. I ,as well as I am sure all of you, am glad that things are stable. Cindy (Mom) is trying her best to get here from Costa Rica. Hopefully she can be there as soon as tomorrow evening.
Well that is all I know...sorry...wish I knew more but I don't know what else there is to know at this point. All is calm as far as I know. Stay tuned I am sure they will post something as soon as they can!

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