Saturday, January 13, 2007

coming together

I decided to just write a quick blip of what was going on in our lives.
When we got home from Singapore it seemed like things were falling apart here, as you can read in previous posts. However, I think things have finally started to come together and get back to normal. It was a weird hard adjustment that I didn't think we would have. We finally sleep at normal hours and do our everyday things without trouble.
Anyway, this week, I made a cake for a lady in the ward who was getting married. It was last minute and I am sure someone else could have done better, however, I didn't want her to have a plain store bought cake so I told her I would do it! It turned out rather nice. I am not an expert yet, so there were a few imperfections but rather nice just the same!
Friday was a holiday for Carlos so we went and got family pictures taken, which turned out really well and if I can scan them I will put it on. Then we went to give blood at Virginia Blood Services, because the news said they were short. So I filled out the papers, talked to someone and then sat down and started the process of blood withdrawal. I usually do just fine until the very end where I get light headed and need to be cooled off. That indeed happened.
About half way through my draining, Carlos was told that due to the locations in which he traveled in Philippines, we was unable to donate at this time! I was confused since I had been to the same places, and I got through. But oh well...I was already there, better finish, but not him. Well later that day they called me and told me that they were really sorry but they weren't going to be able to take my blood either because when traveling in those places, you must wait a year before donating. OH WELL! It is gone now, no use crying, It is just a pitty they can't use it! :(
So Monday is a holiday for Carlos as well and I feel a little bad because I am going to take the girls and go down to NC to visit Ana, Abinadi, Logan and on Tues Mary-Carmen (who is coming back to the US to stay and I THINK she is staying at my house, although we haven't heard from her yet! :)LOL) . I am sure he will be fine, however I will feel bad leaving him all alone on his vacation.
Ok, well that about sums it up for us. TTFN Oh and on Sunday we are starting chorale again! Hurray!


Unknown said...

Ohh... I love new posts. Don't feel bad about leaving carlos.. or maybe come on Tuesday?? Or better yet, bring him with.. talk him into it!

aubrey said...

i can't wait to see your family pictures! sorry about your pointless loss of blood, that stinks! i hope you had a good long holiday weekend.