Friday, January 19, 2007

Kinder Prep

Today was Miriam's first day with her Kinder prep. It is once a week for 2 1/2 hours. She was a little nervous going into the class but once she got there, put on her name tag, and started playing, she was great! She really liked it and I am sure can't wait a whole week for her next class. There was a boy there who she knew when she was a baby, and now they get to play again. She remembered his name but not him, however it is kind of fun! They learned about winter today. Next week they will talk about Chinese New Year.
Then we went to get some pictures taken of the girls. They turned out so great! I wanted to buy a ton! However, I only got the one that was free with my club card. It took about 10 min for the girls to start cooperating and staying on the mat and smiling but once they did it was fine. In contrast, this Tues we tired to get pics taken with Logan down in NC, and all three of them were not interested and were giving us problems, at different times of course. SO if one was happy the other wasn't and so forth. Anyway, that is how it works! We still got some great shots from that as well.

1 comment:

nAnnie Laurie said...

Yeah Miriam !!! you are officially a 'big girl' now - and I bet mommy is a little nervous too - give her hugs and tell her "I'll be okay, mommy, I'm a big girl now!" I can't wait to see all the pictures you've been taking.