Well I am sitting here doing bills etc on the computer, Carlos is outside attempting to put a new door on our shed and the girls are occupied so I thought now would be a good time to tell you about our week in short form!
Monday- get a call from school, lice has been found again in some kids and this time Miriam has some nits! AHHHHHHHHHHHH What do I do? I have never dealt with this before with anyone! So I go get her and get myself and Elaine checked, we are fine, I go to the store and get all kinds of stuff to help clean my house and get the nits out of her hair! She didn't have very many but ANY is too much! We spent the rest of the day cleaning and doing laundry, freaked out about the possible lice in our house!!!
About a month or so ago, this happened and 11 people (this time 12, 6 from her class!!) got it in her school. She had me check her every night and if I didn't she get checked she wouldn't go to sleep but would scream and cry until we gave in. She was so freaked out about the bugs! So when she got it....it was bad news! She is ok now, because we got that taken care of and we check every day to make sure they aren't back.
Tuesday- She went to school and was able to come back because we had gotten everything. It was fundraiser pickup so after my grocery shopping for the week, I then took the girls to the school and helped sort through and divide up people's orders for them to pick up. It is fun but hard when you have to also take care of your kids. Can't remember what we did that night but I am sure I did some more laundry and tried to get some sleep, I was still crawling from thinking I had lice as well!! We now all shampoo with Tea Tree oil shampoo (Maybe we should get some Meleluca!) and use mousse or other hair product in our hair to keep them from trying to come back!!
Wed- Miriam woke up not feeling well but we thought it was just early morning upset and that things would get better. So about 9 I get a call, 'Miriam has thrown up but she is ok and I have sent her back to the room.' Then an hour later after that, I get another call. 'Miriam has thrown up again a few times, you need to come get her!' She didn't have a fever. But she couldn't keep anything down all day! We took the TV out of our room lately and had placed it in the 'guest, other, baby someday room' so it then became the Sick room! She was pretty tired and spent the whole day laying there watching TV. That night we watched the American Idol finale while Daddy and Elaine went to a soccer game together. Still don't know why she was sick and I think part of it was self inflicted because she didn't want to be at school where the lice were!
Thursday- We kept her home from school because she hadn't kept anything down the day before and didn't want to risk throwing up again. She was fine, she got a little tired in the car once and had a bit of a head ache but for the most part, probably should have gone to school. That night we went to bed early so she could go to school the next day. The whole time Miriam's sick stuff is happening, Elaine is congested and coughing a bit and so is Laurie, I think it is allergies!
Friday-Miriam goes to school and she is fine, her teacher missed her! They had a pep rally for the SOL testing coming up next week. The Renegades mascot come to help them get pepped up! :)
So anyway, may not sound too busy to you all but I was pretty freaked out about the lice and not sure why Miriam was throwing up, so it was eventful for us on top of the other stuff we have going on. So there you go!