Sunday, May 18, 2008

Thoughtful gifts

Carlos is really good about getting me thoughtful gifts. They are not always things that I ask for, but always things that I like. For our anniversary he did something for me that was good for me AND good for him. Here is some history.
I LOVE massages! I was always asking for them growing up and that hasn't stopped since. It used to be my parents and sometimes siblings who gave them, but since being married, the responsibility was passed on to my beloved! :) He doesn't really care for giving or receiving massages. So... I guess he finally had enough and arranged for me to go to a wellness center and get an hour massage!!! Isn't that so nice! It was great! At first I was thinking an hour was kind of long but we got to talking during the massage (which by the way I will try not to do again, can't fully relax that way!) and it went by a little too quickly!! I am going to have to keep going back!;) We have a lot of muscles! Although, I haven't been as sore as usual lately... I am going to have to start exercising again so I have a reason to go back! :o Hehehe!
So anyway, while I feel a little weird about doing something by myself for my anniversary gift, (I told him we should call it my Mother's Day gift) it was nice. And I told Carlos that my gift to him would be to have a good game of golf with some friends at a nice golf course! :) So we both get to do something we like. Next time we will do something together! :)


aubreyannie said...

how lovely! i love massages so much! in fact, i am gifting myself one for my birthday. ha ha. but i always make a rule to not talk during a massage...otherwise i can't quite enjoy it to the fullest. i'm glad you enjoyed yours though!

nAnnie Laurie said...

what a sweetie pie Carlos is! And I'm sure he'll enjoy the day out golfing too =-) love you all!

Olivia Heilmann said...

What a thoughtful gift! How fun!

david santos said...

I love execising.
I loved this post.

Esther Ogden said...

Yep! It's Hope that helps! =)